Make sure you have the best dry bag for kayaking. Dry bags are an important accessory to keep your gear dry. Nothing is worse when you stop than finding a soaked sandwich, a flooded sleeping bag, or wet electronics. The best dry bag for kayaking will make sure this doesn’t happen.
This list includes standard dry bags, waterproof bulkhead bags, and waterproof compression bags. The bulkhead dry bags will optimize the storage in your kayak’s front or rear hatch area. Waterproof compression dry bags are another way to maximize storage in your kayak, while still keeping your stuff dry. Depending on the type of bag you need, you should find something that will work great for your kayak adventures. If you need additional storage, check out the best deck bag for kayaks.

1. Earth Pak Waterproof Dry Bag w/ Phone Case Shop Now
- Sizes from 10L to 55L
- Choose from 8 colors.
- Includes Dry Bag & IPX8 Cell Phone Case
- Featured on Tim Ferriss’s blog
- Thermowelded seams
2. SealLine Blocker Compression Waterproof Sack Shop Now
- Sizes from 5L to 30L
- Flat sided, rectangular shape for efficient packing
- PurgeAir valve vents trapped air to compress after sealing
- Fully welded seams
3. Sea to Summit Event Compression Dry Sack Shop Now
- Sizes from 6L to 30L
- Compression system allows air to be pushed out & save space, but still waterproof fabric base.
- Double-stitched and taped seams
4. Earth Pak Waterproof Dry Bag w/ Zippered Pocket & Phone Case Shop Now
- Sizes from 10L to 40L
- Choose from 6 colors.
- Includes Dry Bag & IPX8 Cell Phone Case
- Thermowelded seams
5. Freegrace Waterproof Dry Bags Set of 3 Shop Now
- Sizes from 5L to 35L
- Choose from 6 colors.
- Includes Dry Bag, Waterproof pouch, & Cell Phone Case
- See contents of the stowed bag w/ the see-through window (on some styles).
6. SealLine Bulkhead 20-Liter Tapered Dry Bag Shop Now
- Choose from 2 colors
- Nestles into bow or stern hatch to maximize storage space
- Waterproof valve to allow compression once sealed.
- Fully welded seams
7. Sea to Summit Big River Waterproof Bag Shop Now
- Sizes from 5L to 65L
- Choose from 6 colors
- Double stitched & taped seams
8. Marchway Waterproof Bag Shop Now
- Sizes from 5L to 40L
- Choose from 12 colors
- Welded seams