Kayak carts are a useful tool when you have a long way from the parking area to your launch. They are also helpful when you have to portage a longer distance. At best kayak accessories, we just started using a cart. It definitely makes it easier to load and unload your kayak when you’re by yourself.
There are many more best kayak carts available. We always try to base our rankings on experience, overall reviews (both value and # of ratings), and lastly overall value. The ones with balloon beach wheels were consistently rated high, but most had very few reviews. The Bonnlo was the highest ranked of the ones with a significant number of reviews, and the Wilderness Systems cart with the balloon wheels was slightly lower.

2. Bonnlo Kayak Cart Carrier Dolly Trolley – Shop Now
- Max Capacity: 165 lbs.
- 12″ detachable balloon tires
- Spring-loaded kickstand
- Includes 2 tie down straps
3. Suspenz Sk Airless Cart – Shop Now
- Max Capacity: 100 lbs.
- Breaks down to fit in many oval shaped rear hatches
- 7″ flat-free tires
- Kickstand
- Includes 2 tie down straps and mesh bag
- Designed for narrow kayaks
4. Perception Large Kayak Cart – Shop Now
- Max Capacity: 165 lbs.
- Flat-free tires
- Kickstand
- Includes 1 tie down strap
5. Suspenz DLX Airless Cart – Shop Now
- Max Capacity: 125 lbs.
- Breaks down to fit in many oval shaped rear hatches
- 10″ flat-free tires
- Kickstand
- Includes 2 tie down straps and mesh bag
6. C-Tug Kayak & Canoe Cart – Shop Now
- Max Capacity: 300 lbs.
- Breaks down to fit in mid-sized hatches
- Flat-free tires
- Removeable kickstand
- Includes 2 tie down straps
7. Bonnlo Kayak Cart Canoe Carrier Trolley – Shop Now
- Max Capacity: 165 lbs.
- Breaks down to fit in many oval hatches
- 10″ Flat-free tires
- Spring-loaded kickstand (comes in 2 configurations)
- Includes 2 tie down straps
The Cart below is the best selling cart with over 2,000 reviews, but there are a significant number of reviews about problems with a rim breaking and strong odors/off-gassing.
- Max Capacity: 150 lbs.
- 9.5″ Flat-free tires (But many reviews refer to adding air)
- Kickstand
- Includes 2 tie down straps
Don’t forget to check out the other kayak storage racks, kayak racks for trucks, and other misc. kayak gear!