Touring kayaks are some of the most versatile kayaks you will find. They are large enough to carry enough gear for short overnight trips. They are long enough to withstand coastal trips with light chop. However, they are still short enough to maneuver winding rivers.
People use the term Touring Kayak differently. For purposes here, we are looking at 13-16 ft kayaks. I like this size kayak for everyday kayaking and overnight camping trips. I currently use 2 different 14 ft kayaks all over Florida. Check out the best sea kayaks for longer kayaks and best recreational kayaks for shorter boats.
Rating touring kayaks is very subjective, since the “best” will depend on what you are looking for and what you use the kayak for. So, we rank these based on their versatility, customer ratings, and features.
Some important things to consider when deciding on the best sea kayaks for yourself:
- Material: Will it be durable enough for where you plan to paddle?
- Weight: Can you move it around, load it, etc?
- Max capacity: This is the weight of the boat, paddler, and all gear. Can it carry what you want it to?
- Bulkheads: These keep hatch areas water tight, and allow the kayak to be rescued easier in the event you capsize and then have to pump/bail water from the kayak.
- Hatches: These store your gear in dry areas below deck. The number and location of hatches can improve your accessibility to gear on your trips.

Dagger Stratos 14.5 S Touring Kayak – Shop Now
- Material: Polyethylene
- Dimensions: 174″ L x 23″ W
- Weight: 54.5 lbs
- Max Capacity: 275 lbs
- Bulkheads: 2
- Hatches: 2
- Includes skeg
- Also available in 12.5′ L, and 14.5′ L
Brooklyn Kayak Company BKC UH-SK287 – Shop Now
- Material: Polyethylene
- Dimensions: 179″ L x 22″ W
- Weight: 55 lbs
- Max Capacity: 250 lbs
- Bulkheads: 2
- Hatches: 2
- Rudder included
- 2 flush-mount rod holders
- Collapsible paddle included