A deck bag for your kayak is a great way to expand the storage capacity of your kayak. The best deck bag for kayak also keeps items within arms reach while you are on the water.
I started with a recreational kayak without bulkheads, and I just shoved everything up to the front of the kayak in a dry bag. When I switched to a touring kayak with bulkheads, I didn’t like having stuff right around my legs. Stuff in the main compartment would make my legs hot and cramped. I started using my hatches for this stuff, but I would have to stop to get anything. I wanted to be able to reach things like snacks, cameras, sunscreen, etc. at arms length without stopping.
That’s when I found out about deck bags. The best deck bag for kayaking keeps items nearby. I can access them when I’m on the water, even if I’m using a spray skirt. These items are still protected from the water. It also doesn’t affect my legroom or comfort in the cockpit. After reading a lot of reviews, I personally went with the NRS Taj M’haul and I’ve been happy with it, but you can find more of the best deck bags for kayaking below.

1. NRS Taj M’Haul Deck Bag – Shop Now
- 17″L x 5″ H x (tapers ) 13″ to 11″ W
- Detachable inner dry bag w/ zip seal
- 1 zippered pocket, 3 expanding mesh pockets, bungee rigging
- Plastic clips plus hook & loop attachment straps
- Can add Spare Drink Holder
- See: NRS Taj M’Haul Full Review
2. Gearlab Deck Pod – Shop Now
- 17.3″ L x 10″ W x 4″ H
- Holds up to 3L Hydration Bladder (Shop Now)
- Snag-free external holders for bilge pump and paddle float
- Quick release buckles
- 2 color choices
3. Red Original Waterproof Deck Bag 22L – Shop Now
- 17.72″ L x 13.78″ W x 7.87″ H
- Waterproof fabric with Aquaseal 5mm zippers
- Internal removeable skeleton
- 2 drink holders
4. North Water Expedition Deck Bag – Shop Now
- 15″ L x 14″ W x 6″ H
- HDPE liner doubles as a cutting board
- Polyethylene liner
- Buckles and bungees to hold additional gear.
5. Seattle Sports Deluxe 15L Kayak and Paddle Board Deck Bag – Shop Now
- 14.5″ L x 13″ W x 5″ H
- Deck bag for kayak or SUP
- Clear window to see inside without opening
- Buckles and bungees to hold additional gear
6. Seattle Sports Mesh Deck Bag – Shop Now
- 15.5″ L x 11.5″ W x 5″ H
- Vinyl coated open weave mesh
- Clips for attachment
8. Chinook Aquatidal 25 Deck Bag for Kayak – Shop Now
- 21″ x 15.4″
- Water-resistant
- 3 mesh pockets & bungee rigging
- Clips for attachment
9. Chinook Aquawave 20 Blue – Shop Now
- 14″ L x (tapers) 12″ to 6.5″ W x (tapers) 7″ to 3.5″ H
- Ripstop nylon, water-resistant compartments
- Shock cord rigging w/ mesh outer pockets.
- Clips for attachment
See Also: Kayak Dry Bag
Currently Unavailable: Deck Bags for Kayak
These are no longer available, but were previously on our list. These may be a good option if you can still find them.
Sea to Summit Solution Gear Access Deck Bag for Kayak – Shop Now
- 16″ L x 6″ H x (tapers) 12″ to 7″ W
- Detachable inner dry bag w/ roll-top seal
- Shock cord rigging & mesh pockets
- Release buckles plus hook & loop attachment straps
Seals Skirts Contoured Deck Bag – Shop Now
- 17″ L x 5″ H x (tapers) 14″ to 5″ W
- Water resistant nylon material
- Shock cord rigging w/ lash points
- Clips for attachment
Advanced Elements Deck Bag – Shop Now
- 14″ L x (tapers) 8″ to 6″ W x (tapers) 4.5″ to 3″ H
- Water resistent PVC w/ inner roll top bag.
- Shock cord rigging
- Clips for attachment